There are some cats who are really cuddly. I'm not one of those. I'm really not big on being petted. I don't mind it once I get to know you, but I still prefer to keep it to about 10 seconds and then move on.
I have nothing against humans though. I really enjoy your species. I love to curl up beside people while they have conversations. It is really important for me to be in the same room as my owners while they go about their lives.
I have a strong intuition about my owners. If Shine has an especially bad day I stay as close to her as a shadow and watch her very carefully. When Mr. O' M had a cardiac arrest I made sure to alert Shine about it.
I have a lot of favorite foods. I love to eat lamb, curry chicken, sashimi, sardines, turkey and other treats. One time Mr. O'M left lemon tarts out and I discovered that it is nice to lick the meringues off the tops of tarts.
I also have a group of foods - that - I only THINK I treasure. I desperately love the smell of spaghetti and french fries and will do anything for a sample, only to remember that I actually can't stand to even take a taste of them.
I like to communicate. When I'm hungry I show it by sitting right in front of my bowl or coming and rubbing up against my owners or butting my head against their shins. If I want a blanket set out for me, I will jump up to the blanket and pat it. I also try to talk with different meow's. I have one that is very indignant and one that is very soft and comforting. The others seem to fall somewhere in between.
I think it is time for a nap now. Next time I will tell you about my very favorite thing to do... PLAY!