My relationship with the mirrors in this apartment has become increasingly complicated. How do you get along with the mirrors in your place? My main concern is the vast difference in feedback that I receive from one room to the next.
My bathroom mirror loves me. It welcomes me warmly "Come here darling. Yes, wear your hair like that, it looks lovely on you. Here, look at the light shining in the window, just so. Now the planes of your face are softened into that feminine heart shape that suits you so well. You look so cute when you are just your natural self".
I leave the bathroom with a spring in my step and then I stop suddenly aghast when I walk into our bedroom and look into the mirrored closet doors. The hair that looked artfully done only 40 seconds ago, now looks frizzy and unkempt.
The closet mirror seems to sneer at me "That make-up may have looked right in the bathroom light but you aren't going outside like that are you? And, is that what you're wearing?"
The cheek! However, the bathroom can be a bit dark so I am forced to continue to seek the bedroom mirror's opinion (in case it really is the more honest of the two).
Today was such a beautiful summery day. This afternoon I sat out in the backyard with Grandma Junebug and the Artist. I was showing GJunebug how to use a computer with a digital camera.
We were also having fun on the patio, feeding a Steller Jay some peanuts. Actually, he wasn't eating them so much as taking them and hiding them and then coming back for more. Stellar Jays are a lot like Whiskey Jack birds or Blue Jays except for their color and markings and a more pronounced crest. They have so many beautiful different shades of blue on their feathers.
The Artist carves birds and was in the middle of carving a Stellar Jay so he brought one out and we put it beside one of the peanuts. It was cute to watch the Jay react to the "fake" bird. He was brave enough that it's presence did not deter him from taking the food. It is so fun to interact with animals!
Stellar Jay Faces A "Twin"
So cute! I love the birdie looking at his twin! I'd love to know what was going through her mind!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering the same thing! It was just so darling to see the bird's head cocked to one side considering the "fake" bird and then cautiously edging forward to grab the peanut away...