However due to my physical circumstances, I spend a large part of life devoted to using my energies fighting pain. Thus, in my lesisure time I really prefer to focus mainly on the positive. Therefore, I intend to be only sharing my favorites with you.
Today's destination is somewhere truly special. Mr. O' M has been going there since he was 7 years old and it is truly a testament to the owners greatness that it has maintained it's quality and is still as enjoyable. It is a bit of a drive for us as it is located in Horseshoe Bay, but actually the drive is part of the fun! Welcome to Trolls...
Trolls is located very close to the ferry terminal in Horseshoe Bay. It is nice to watch the ferries come and go as you eat your meal. It is also wonderfully convenient to catch a bite if you are taking a ferry. You can park your car in line and just walk down to the restaurant and have a meal before you sail over to your destination.
I went through a period where I could not have battered or deep fried foods and I had to abstain from the fish and chips for a couple of years. Thus, I had ample opportunity to sample the many other choices on the Trolls menu. I was never disappointed. Of course their seafood dishes shine but they also have wraps, meat and pasta plates, soup, salads and even a tasty jambalaya that are delightful. Thankfully I am now able to have the fish and chips again as it is truly one of the best that exists.
The decor is really fun and there are a lot of references to local culture. There is a beautiful First Nations canoe hanging from the ceiling. It is worth it to take a little walk around and see all the little treasures and art tucked away.
The restaurant is full of these charicature portraits of family (Joe Troll opened the restaurant in 1946 and it is still family run) and friends of the establishment. It has been enjoyable as a long time patron to see the number of these portraits grow.
There is a parking lot out back and street parking out front. There are times when Horseshoe Bay gets really busy and it can be a challenge to find a parking spot. However, all that is required is patience. We usually just circle the block 3 or 4 times and that is all it takes for someone to be moving out of their spot.
There are handicapped spots out front. I am unable to conveniently fit my motorized scooter inside the restaurant. However, both the restaurant and bathroom are fine for those who use a traditional wheelchair or walk with a cane (which is what I do when we go). It it a bit of a squeeze for wheelchairs but both the staff and patrons are always jovial and will accomodatingly help to move chairs a few inches out of the way etc...
There are always neat things to see. I had never seen a wooden kayak like the one in the picture above, until I spotted it on top of a car parked in front of Trolls.
Across the street from Trolls is a beautiful Park, the Boathouse restaurant and this marina. There is a lot to see so it is nice to take a walk after you have eaten. On occasion Mr. O' M and I have rented a boat from the marina and taken a drive on the ocean. Try to go earlier in the day if you are planning this activity as the scenery is incredible and you will have a larger pick of boats.
The Island House
As I mentioned previously, it is a bit of a drive out to Horseshoe Bay but it is so worth it. You can take the Freeway, but at least one way of the drive treat yourself to the Marine Drive Highway. There are so many fantastic houses and views to see along this route. We enjoyed seeing this go from a bare island to a frame to a completed residence.
If you enjoy taking pictures, make sure to bring along your camera when you take the Marine Drive. There is a stop with a small pull-off (watch for traffic as it is on a corner and the lanes are not divided) that offers the most unbelievable view of Vancouver and the ocean.
I have enjoyed going to Trolls for lunch, late lunches and dinners...getting to experience the views in different lights.
Trolls is truly a BC institution, one that I am proud to support. They get it right, year after year.